.Snowshoe hare guide sevice

........SNOWSHOE HARE GUIDE SERVICE................

........SNOWSHOE HARE GUIDE SERVICE................
live snowshoe hare photos
northeast vermont labrador retrievers
yellow lab pups
moose hunting
cold nosed hounds
dozer at stud for 1 choice pup
youth hunters
new bear pictures
pup"s pedigree
marble mtn walkers out of business
New pictures fall 2002
pedigree 1
joey's pedigree
june 2004
visitors photos
bobcat 2003
coyote hounds.
bear and hounds.
coon hunting in LA
backeast hounds outwest
dog pictures-
Coonhound Central
brother john and mike
other varmints

Guided hunts for snowshoe hare in northeast kingdom of vermont.    your hounds or mine, oct-march.  75$/man/day in groups of two or more.    good  hare  populations.  small  game license is 50 $/year  . youth is  25 for big and small game -   can give all  the references you want .   book now for this season-

jerry got his limit november 07
hare hunting with snowshoe hare guide service

hare hunting with hounds is a very affordable and exciting hunt. if you havent been  before you should give it a try.   if your an experienced beagler and  you want  to bring your own hounds  thats no problem.  i  have  telemetry equipment for your hounds.   i use  snowmobile and 4 wheel  drive to get to areas with super hare population.   Meals and lodging available locally-
 larger group- can rent a camp  .i will  meet you wherever you choose to stay.  

last day of bobcat season 2002
bobcat hunting is toughest hound sport in the NE

click here to email

 give us a call at 802-754--1084    802-323-7898



.brown trout -turkey  in may  , give  me a call   

pete richardson 1554 loop rd     north troy    VT 05859 802-744-6174

the elusive all black snowshoe hare
as rare as a jackalope but this one is real.

another elusive black hare
taken by randy treaster with snowshoe hare guide service

loko kennels of WV
good days hunt oct/08

winter camo
real rabbits are white in vermont -

white rabbit,hare,bunny,snowshoe hare

www.Hunting101.com www.Hunting101.com is a place where you can learn about hunting and the animals hunted,

naa just kidding-- found pic on another site-
couldnt resist -lol

The Only ISP that helps defend your rights to hunt,
                                    fish, and own a gun!