due to price of gas and feed,extenuating circumstances ,etc,etc --sold all my walkers - 25 +
years is long enuff, if i cant do a good job hunting dogs ,i dont want any -
im just a beagle man now,
500lb bear taken with pete n sassy |

hunting with downeast outfitters ,rogues bluffs ME |
trigg-walker cross |

would like to hear from other hunters using foxhound-treehound crosses for bear or cat hunting |
im always glad to hear from other hunters and houndsmen. if you have some good hounds id
like to hear about them. we can work together to breed some better dogs .if your
a breeder of cold nosed beagles that can do it on snow and ice id like to hear from you, im very interested
in talking dogs with breeders of treeing walker big game hounds, maybe we can help each other out.
wow time flies - all dogs pictured except pete are dead and gone-
ive quit bear hunting --
just have beagles now-
ive made some friendsacroos the country and even other countries thru these hounds and i enjoy hearing
from all hound people
pete richardson 2474 pepin rd brownington VT-05860--
802-754=1084 802-323-7898